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Fumes - Plantas Nomadas

Gilberto Espanza's nomadic plants are a sort of hybrid plant and microorganism robots who feed on polluted water.

Fumes - Plantas Nomadas

The robot plant is self sufficient being powered by a microbial fuel cell and small solar panels. It can walk about the contaminated rivers, seek out and suck up polluted water.

Fumes - Plantas Nomadas

The elements of the contaminated water serve as nutrients to its microbial fuel cells. Plantas Nomadas know when they need fuel because they're alive.

Fumes - Plantas Nomadas

They give back clean water through evaporation and they clean the air sucking CO2 to release oxygen through photosynthesis as all the plants do.

Fumes - Plantas Nomadas
Fumes - Plantas Nomadas
Fumes - Plantas Nomadas
Fumes - Plantas Nomadas
Fumes - Plantas Nomadas

Mexican artist Gilberto Espanza shows that solving the world's polluted water problems can be done with clever designs and ideas.

Just like Urban Parasites, this new work is part of a series of experiments that aim to stimulate a critical discussion about the ambiguous forces wielded by technology.

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