After six years of often bloody political protests, Thai citizens are going to vote this weekend.
Fumes is offering a glimpse of the styles and subjects used in campaigns during this general election. Fumes attempts to translate the various campaign slogans that reveal candidates' platforms and agendas.
In Thailand, the members of the House of Representatives get elected not by winner takes all, but by proportional representation. Since there are multiple parties on the ballot, voters are free to check as many boxes as they wish, either "yes" or "no".
"Run (Tiger)"... "Meet (Alligator)"... "If you don't want either one of them, mark X near the NO".
Election polls are being held on the 3rd of July, 2554 (which corresponds to the Gregorian year 2011).
"Stop the fire in the country". "Negative violence" (over the photo)"
"Good people never die", "Bored (in red)", "Organised assembly (in yellow)", "Candidate n.12 protects your rights."
"Go forward with a plan for the Thai people", "Give more credit and lower interest rates for education and university fees. 250.000 Baht yearly for each student"
"They want to thank you for sending them to international sporting events"
Extreme poverty is still rife, especially in big cities like Bangkok.
"No hidden agendas, no discounts, no exchanges, no bribes, no special sales, we plan to check and control corruption."
"When you need integrity, choose candidate no.5", "Politicians are like diapers, the more you change them the better"
"We can clean up Bangkok together", "this is your chance to do it the proper legal way."
"Vote 'Yes'. Let's move forward for King and capitalism"
"Difficult to choose because they are both deceitful?", "On the 3rd of July if you don't want either of them, put an X next to the 'NO'"
"Get rid of animals, don't put them back in parliament", "NO"
"July 3rd, the wake up day, no more lies"
"One point for you", "Stop degradation and extreme colours."
"Please choose Civil Peace Party"
"People should go to work", "We need more prosperity again"